In the last week of March, members of the European Early Music Network REMA met in York at the invitation of the National Centre for Early Music for the network’s annual general assembly and first conference of the year.

On that occasion, St John's Smith Square's Director Richard Heason was elected Vice President as UK representative on the new Executive Board, chaired by Albert Edelman, artistic advisor at Concertgebouw Brugge (BE).

Other members of the new Executive Board are:

Giulio Prandi of Ghislieri Musica (Italy) - Vice President
Nicolas Bucher of the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (France) - Treasurer
Joanna Broniec of Misteria Paschalia (Poland) - Secretary

For more information, head over to the REMA web space

Richard was interviewed for REMA to explain the benefits of St John's Smith Square's membership of the European Network.

Meet the REMA members - Richard Heason, Saint John’s Smith Square, London from REMA/EU Early Music Network on Vimeo.