On Monday 10th August at 8pm the London Festival of Baroque Music shares the UK premiere of ‘Thin Air’ by Calliope Tsoupaki recorded LIVE on the organ at St John’s Smith Square by David Titterington. 

This performance is part of ‘Festivals for Compassion’, a musical ‘relay race’, journeying through Europe, from festival to festival. Festivals for Compassion is an initiative of the Dutch Wonderfeel Festival. The aim is for festivals around Europe to express their solidarity in these difficult times by presenting a new solo composition by the Greek-Dutch composer Calliope Tsoupaki. Each festival selects their own artist and instrument. The piece was premiered on the Dutch NPO Radio 4 on 20 June, with the Flemish Klara taking over the next day. You can follow the relay timeline on the Festivals for Compassion website here: https://festivalsforcompassion.com/en/timeline/

LIVE on the facebook and You Tube pages of the London Festival of Baroque Music and St John's Smith Square


Watch the performance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAWqQWGNEhU


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